Jun 06, 2018 | AM Schofield | 727 views
June 7th Ex-Game Line-up
Here is the line-up for Thursday's exhibition game versus Windsor.
G - Kennette
G - Homenick
F - Brabant
F - Ferguson
F - Lindsay
F - Coomber
F - Borrelli
F - Palamides
F - Johnstone
F - Campbell
F - Robinet
D - Juracic
D - Zutic
D - West
D - Karon
D - Fuerth
D - Parker
Players not playing but still active:
Coach asks that all players be at the arena for 6:45pm to prepare for the game. Those players not playing but still active are asked to attend the game as well if possible.
Players should arrive in dress pants and a dress shirt - khaki's and golf-style polo's are acceptable as well.