Please direct all questions to [email protected]
Registration for the 2025-26 Season will open soon
Watch for the 2025-26 registration link to be available by April 1st, 2025

RMHA accepts registrations for all eligible players from age 4 through 20yrs. Houseleague programming is open to all players. New for the 2025-26 season, if your player U10 or older is interested in Travel (Representative) hockey, residential restrictions no longer exist. You're welcome to join us no matter where you live. Riverside Rangers Hockey executes best in class development for our players at every level of the game, teaching our young players how to be better athletes and, more importantly, better people. Minor hockey offers many long-term physical and mental benefits to its players. Youth athletes who engage in sports not only experience the well-documented cardiovascular health benefits of being active but also benefit from the social and charter-building experience of being part of a team. Moreover, hockey, whether competitive or recreational, allows for the development of fundamental life skills, such as leadership, time-management, sportsmanship, and accountability, which are invaluable for youngsters as they develop their identities. RMHA has been a leader of the hockey community for more than 65yrs and will continue to build on our reputation for many years to come.
Which Program is right for you?
Do you have questions or need assistance choosing which program is right for you? Please don't hesitate to reach out! The best way to reach us with the fastest response is by email ([email protected]) or you can call 519.944.0100 and leave a message. There are two types of hockey programming at RMHA. The first is recreational or houseleague hockey. Your player will be on the ice twice a week (two hours total) typically for one game and one practice except for our U21 Houseleague which is once a week. Houseleague hockey is non-competitive and always non-checking. We provide interlock game schedules with other centers if warranted to create a more balanced and robust schedule. Our houseleague program begins after Labor Day and continues through March. The other hockey we offer is representative or travel hockey. Our travel teams are on the ice at least three times per week with a minimum of two to three practices and at least one game per week. We compete in the Bluewater Hockey League against teams from across Essex County and Kent. All registrants pay a baseline registration fee but if you play travel hockey there are additional fees. With 'open borders' now in play, you no longer need to live in Riverside to play for our travel teams. Anyone from anywhere is welcome to attend our travel team tryouts which will be scheduled in early May.
The age reference chart below is also a good tool so you know what division your player will register to; keep in mind that the online registration system will automatically slot your player based on their date of birth. Changes can and will be made if necessary by moving your player up or down depending on their skill level.
** A player’s age is determined by their age as of December 31st, 2025 **
Birth Year
4 years old
2019 / 2020
5 & 6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
13 years old
14 years old
15 years old
2008 / 2009
16 & 17 years old
U21 (Houseleague only)
18-20 years old
NOTE: if your player is participating in houseleague / recreational hockey only then U11 (2015-2016), U13 (2013-2014), U15 (2011-2012), and U16-U21 (2007-2010) are combined age groups.
Still have questions....see some of the points below to help you navigate the registration process.
If your player is NEW to hockey (NEVER PLAYED ANYWHERE BEFORE) please follow the instructions on the Online Registration link.
If your player is NEW to RMHA (HAS PLAYED FOR ANOTHER ASSOCIATION), please contact the Registrar to complete your registration process separately.
All members must use the ONLINE Hockey Canada registration system. If you used it last year, you already have an ID and password setup for yourself and can move forward.
If you are new to hockey or did not use the online system last year you must create an account for yourself first by following the instructions on the website once you have clicked the link. Using the online system will ensure that your spot is secured (pending receipt of payment).
When using the online registration system and entering the players date of birth, the system will automatically place your player into their appropriate age category. Any specific requests regarding your player involving playing *up* or *down* in Houseleague will be managed by our Convenors and Coaches and is separate from the registration process. When selecting your registration group, you should ONLY select the actual age group. Example: if your player is 8yrs old you must choose the U9 category.
For our families in need of financial assistance there are numerous opportunities available to you which we have tried to list on our Funding Assistance page. If you are using an external source of funding you must follow their process.
Applicants utilizing a financial assistance program must register manually by contacting the registrar via email. Discounted fees will be applied with a minimum payment of $260 to be paid at the time of registration.
As per the instructions, if you are using the P2P fund, that is managed by RMHA and will follow a different process and use a different form.
RMHA accepts only etransfer or credit card. No other payments will be accepted. For those paying by credit card there may be staggered payment options available depending when you register. Also note that credit card processing fees will be added to your invoice automatically. Payment via e-transfer must be sent to [email protected]. REMEMBER THAT YOUR REGISTRATION IS NOT CONFIRMED UNTIL A PAYMENT IS RECEIVED.
If you are registering your player for hockey for the first time you must also complete the Respect in Sport Parent online course. The link to the course is here. This is mandated by Hockey Canada. PLEASE REMEMBER TO INDICATE RIVERSIDE MINOR HOCKEY when selecting your association. If you have completed this course for another family member, please login again, then *add* your new player to the system. You do not need to re-do the course.
Our players that wish to register for our Special Needs programming must follow a different process. Contact the Registrar via email only to complete your registration. Fees for our Special Needs program is $460.
If your player is interested in trying out for one of our travel teams, there will be an additional fee.
FEE SCHEDULE (no increase from last season)
Age / Division |
Fee |
U5 |
$490 |
U6 |
$490 |
U7 |
$490 |
U8 |
$510 *reduced from last year |
U9 |
$550 *reduced from last year |
U10 - U16 |
($695 after July 1st) |
U18-U21 |
($670 after July 1st) |
Please note that any player who successfully makes one of our travel teams will be subject to additional Travel Fees to be communicated at a later date by the Team Manager.
RMHA will respond to all your questions via email or phone. (Email is preferred). Contact us at 519-944-0100 or email at [email protected]
Requests for refunds must be made in writing to [email protected]
All refunds will be charged a $40 non-refundable admin fee.
Refunds requested after the start of the current season will be charged a pro-rated fee for ice.
NO REFUNDS will be processed after the 6th week of the session.