OMHA Certification Information
CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS for the 2025-26 season can be found on the OMHA website as well as in the chart below. RMHA will provide the necessary information to all staff. If you are unsure or have questions please refer them to Sean Ducharme via email.
New clinics will require participants to take an online portion as well as a class and on-ice portion. NEW coaches to U7 through U9 must have a Coach 1 certification formerly known as the CHIP cert.
Prospective coaches should watch this page or read the OMHA information on their website.
The OMHA (Ontario Minor Hockey Association) has specific guidelines regarding the certification levels required to become eligible to join a hockey team roster. ALL teams must have a minimum of one certified coach and one certified trainer.
If you are unsure of your qualifications you can check them yourself on the OMHA site here.