Feb 18, 2022 | AM Schofield | 559 views
March Events and Calendar
As hockey winds down during the month of March, here are few dates / events that you should mark on your calendars:
- March break "pause" is an OMHA requirement therefore no games (HL or Travel) will be scheduled from Mar 12 through Mar 18th. Optional practice ice *may* be scheduled and will show on your calendars.
- Houseleague Day of Champs is Saturday March 26th (schedule is posted)
- Houseleague semi-finals for U11, U13, U15 will be held March 19th/20th and U20 HL semi's are on March 9th
- our AGM is tentatively scheduled for April 6th. We hope this will be an in-person event but will wait for Public Health guidelines before finalizing and communicating the invitation and details.
- The RMHA Board of Directors will be reviewing a year-end banquet or other options and that information will be communicated to our coaches soon.
If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact your coach or Convenor.