March Events and Calendar, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Feb 18, 2022 | AM Schofield | 559 views
March Events and Calendar
As hockey winds down during the month of March, here are few dates / events that you should mark on your calendars:

- March break "pause" is an OMHA requirement therefore no games (HL or Travel) will be scheduled from Mar 12 through Mar 18th. Optional practice ice *may* be scheduled and will show on your calendars. 

- Houseleague Day of Champs is Saturday March 26th (schedule is posted)
- Houseleague semi-finals for U11, U13, U15 will be held March 19th/20th and U20 HL semi's are on March 9th

- our AGM is tentatively scheduled for April 6th. We hope this will be an in-person event but will wait for Public Health guidelines before finalizing and communicating the invitation and details.  

- The RMHA Board of Directors will be reviewing a year-end banquet or other options and that information will be communicated to our coaches soon. 

If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact your coach or Convenor. 
Tim Hortons
TimBits hockey sponsor of Tyke Houseleague
Terry T. Turner Chartered Accountant
Terry T. Turner is the official auditor of RMHA.