NEW Covid Policy from WECHU, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Sep 27, 2021 | AM Schofield | 1759 views
NEW Covid Policy from WECHU
Ranger Families...yet another change has come our way regarding the status of vax'd participants. Whereas just a week ago our 12-18yr old participants had until the Oct 31st (OMHA) deadline, we learned today that WECHU has implemented a "fully vax'd" approach for all participants by Oct 1st. 

The full letter can be found here. This is as upsetting to us as it may be to you, particularly those that started their vax protocols with the original dates in mind. This is not a City of Windsor policy but a Windsor Essex County Public Health policy which means it affects all facilities across Essex County. 

Everyone involved in providing youth sports across the county has one main goal in provide sports activities for those that need or want it! 

Our goal remains the same at RMHA...we will continue to provide hockey to those that are able to participate. If you are a player that has started their vaccine protocol but will not be completed by Oct 1st, you will unfortunately have to sit out until your status is completed. 

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