January 28th: Bell Let's Talk Day, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Jan 25, 2021 | AM Schofield | 539 views
January 28th: Bell Let's Talk Day
Thursday January 28th is the annual Bell Let's Talk Day. Mark your calendars and be part of the solution by doing the following: 

Each time you tweet and retweet using #BellLetsTalk or watch the official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or watch the official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.

Each time you watch the official video on Instagram, Bell will donate 5cents more towards mental health initiatives. 

Each time you use the Bell Let's Talk Snapchat filter or watch the official video, Bell will donate 5cents more towards mental health initiatives.

Help make a difference!

Tim Hortons
TimBits hockey sponsor of Tyke Houseleague