Winter Registration now available for RETURNING Members, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Nov 17, 2020 | AM Schofield | 1079 views
Winter Registration now available for RETURNING Members
Registration for the WINTER 2020 Session is now available to you as returning members from the Fall session. This link will become public on Dec 1st therefore if you intend to return for the Winter you must act now.

It is important that you review and act quickly as per the information below. NEW registrations will be available by Dec 1st although space is very limited. 


1. If you are part of the Rangers Special Needs teams there is no further action required from you. You can ignore and delete this email. 

2. If you are a P2P recipient from the Fall session and you ARE returning for the Winter session please contact me via email immediately. I will register you manually only.

3. If you are a P2P recipient and are not returning for the Winter session I need to know that as well so as to free up your spot for a potential new registrant. 

4. If you do NOT intend to return for the Winter session please let me know immediately so I can free up your spot for a potential new registrant.

5. If you have a credit owing and are not returning we will determine your preferred course of action (refund or maintain the credit on your players profile).

6. If you do intend to return you are asked to use the link (shown below) and use a credit card for your payment. The base fee is the same ($300 for Tier 2 and an additional $200 for Tier 1). A payment plan is available when you checkout. NOTE: the Tier 1 payment has increased due to our own internal budget reasons).

7. If you believe you should have a credit owing to you from your Fall payment and you do not see it in your cart please contact me before you complete your checkout so I can review your profile. 

8. If you are unable to use the online link or if you are unable to use a credit card for payment you must contact me immediately to complete manual registration. No spot will be saved unless you provide payment. Your best course of action is to find a way to use the online link with a credit card to avoid delays!

The Winter session will commence week of Jan 2nd and will run until Sunday March 14th. The format of the Winter session will be the same as it was for the Fall including any / all Public Health protocols that we are under. 

TEAM SIZES ARE LIMITED DUE TO PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS THEREFORE IF YOU DO NOT RE-REGISTER BY DECEMBER 1ST YOU WILL RISK LOSING YOUR SPOT WHEN THE LINK GOES PUBLIC. Online registration is available HERE. Please do not share this link with anyone else. If a *new* member attempts to register prior to December 1st they will be denied. 

As always if you have questions don't hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]. Our Fall session was a successful adaptation of "normal" hockey due to your cooperation and we hope the Winter session will be just as successful. Running a hockey program during a pandemic means that every week our players are on the ice is a bonus. Thank you for all you do to help make that happen!

Terry T. Turner Chartered Accountant
Terry T. Turner is the official auditor of RMHA.