Hockey Canada & OHF Information Package: UPDATED July 31st, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Jul 31, 2020 | AM Schofield | 2393 views
Hockey Canada & OHF Information Package: UPDATED July 31st
The OMHA has created a Covid-19 package of documents that are available on their website. These documents will be the basis of the 2020-21 seasonal planning. The RMHA Board of Directors, particularly our Travel and Houseleague Directors have been meeting to work on various formats of what our season may look like however ultimately the guidance must come from the OMHA. 

It is important to realize that as a member of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (also part of the OHF), our guidelines will first come from the Province and the Department of Health. We have been made aware of the City's plans to re-open municipal facilities after Labor Day. It will be the City's responsibility to manage and coordinate the health requirements that will need to be implemented. Our players, parents, families, like all other municipal users will adhere to their guidelines. 

We are still looking for our members to complete the online registration process so that we are better equipped to work with the City regarding our ice requirements. As per the message on our Registration page, there is no financial obligation on your part at this time. Once RMHA has finalized our seasonal structure and completed our ice allocation we will be better equipped to determine a fee structure. 

There are many questions and much frustration surrounding the unknowns and we are doing our best to find the *right* answers. Your continued patience is appreciated. As always if you have questions please contact [email protected]

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