Year End Banquet, AGM & Season Awards, News (Riverside Minor Hockey)

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Mar 18, 2020 | AM Schofield | 854 views
Year End Banquet, AGM & Season Awards
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, RMHA has cancelled our year-end Volunteer Appreciation banquet. 

We will also be postponing our AGM until such time as gatherings are permitted. Please continue to watch this space for more details regarding date and location. 

Normally our banquet is the venue for presenting awards to various coaches or players. 

At this time we would like to honor our award winners from the 2019-20 season here and thank you all for your continued support of RMHA!

Houseleague Awards:

Novice HL MVP -  Dominic Smith 
Atom HL MVP -  Mitch Rumfeldt
Peewee HL MVP - Tristen Hedgpeth
Bantam HL MVP - Enzo Marangelli 
Midget HL MVP - Austin Kocsis
Houseleague Coaching Staff of the Year- Peewee Yellow: Mark Garrett, John Schneider, Austin Garrett, Tara Garrett

Travel Awards:

John Strong Memorial Award (Midget Minor): Mathew Mongeau
Lions Club Award (Midget Major): Michael Flay

Travel Coaching Staff of the Year - Bantam Major: Ryan Tallon, Matt Murray, Matt Ridout, Mike Gillis